About this Event
Groundbreaking low-budget independent film Go Fish (1994) centers on the everyday courtship rituals of a lesbian community in Chicago. After ten months without sex, college student Max (Guinevere Turner) recruits her roommate Kia (T. Wendy McMillan) to set her up with an attractive woman to end her dry spell. Though Max is not initially impressed when Kia introduces her to the introverted and slightly older Ely (V.S. Brodie), an attraction soon flourishes. Go Fish subverts both the heterosexism of Hollywood romantic films and the male-oriented narratives of New Queer Cinema. Nominated for the Sundance Film Festival’s 1994 Grand Jury Prize, this girl-meets-girl love story continues to disrupt the mainstream imagination that renders lesbians, in all their complexities, invisible.
Screenwriter and actress Guinevere Turner will join moderator Assatu Wisseh (Film and Media Studies, UCSB) for a virtual discussion of Go Fish.
This event will not include a screening. Go Fish may be streamed in advance on Amazon and on Pluto TV.
This virtual event will take place via Zoom. The event is free but prior registration is required.