About this Event
"A philosopher of puzzles." The New York Magazine
The world’s only academically accredited puzzle master, Will Shortz has been crossword editor of The New York Timessince 1993, where he's built a level of culture and solving skill unrivaled in the nation. Also an avid table tennis player, Shortz is the owner and director of the largest table tennis facility in the U.S. For A&L puzzle hounds and table tennis aficionados, he'll talk about the relationship between the two pursuits and answer your puzzle-related puzzlements, and he'll do it all from the tables of his famed Westchester Table Tennis Center.
Acme Hospitality brings custom-crafted meals to your House Calls experience! Order a specially-curated meal from Lucky Penny to accompany this event.
Order link available starting Dec 30
Dinner option available while supplies last.
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